Monday, 12 December 2011

12th December 2011

Today is a much better day and I am feeling rested and in much better spirits than the previous couple of days. We are safely tucked away in a nice hotel – if anyone comes to Nairobi (although thinking you may have been a little put off now), the Southern Sun Mayfair Hotel is a really nice place and the staff are just fabulous. They have been really supportive and helped us deal with various official things like police statements and embassies.
Although we were only going to stay here for one night, being stuck here has its advantages; masses of clean hot water, friendly people, amazing food (and lots of it), a peaceful swimming pool and a large comfortable bed without the need for a mosquito net. If I stay here too long, I won’t ever want to go back to the harshness of Ethiopia.


  1. Oh my, what a nightmare for you 2!!! The only bright spot is all the stories you will have when you get back. David's remarks really crack me up, but there is truth in what he says....hurry home!!!

  2. Sorry to read of your nightmare but glad your safe. Make the most of the hot water and lovely food to recharge your batteries - keep safe

  3. Dear Karen and Jeremy.
    Try now with name and emty.
    From Heidi.

  4. You're right John; many tales to tell. At least we are back in the middle of everyday life in Gimbie now.

    Thanks Marie - we're back to luke warm trickles of stream water now but at least it's 'home'.

    Hello Heidi - good to see you've managed to comment OK now. Doesn't Jaba look cute? Are you sure you don't want to adopt him???

    Karen xxx
