FINALLY, the internet is back on!!! Apparently, the fibre
optic cable between Gimbie and Addis was broken (well, that’s what the word on
the street was) and so we were ‘stranded’ for the best part of a couple of
weeks. I think the phones were also playing up as we weren’t receiving text
messages either. So, sorry to have ignored anyone. Hopefully, we’re back on
full communication now.
I’m pleased to report that I am much better now. I’ve no
idea exactly what I had, but am guessing it was some odd viral illness. It
lasted for several days and although it started with the worst unrelenting, 48
hour long headache I’ve ever had, it then left me with a cough that sounded
worse than a 40-a-day smoker. Jeremy managed to escape it but there were a few
other people here who fell ill as well.
The trip to Lalibella and Gondor was great – we walked
around all 11 rock hewn churches and since we were there for Easter week (it’s
a week later here), we were exposed to endless praying in Geez. It was
certainly very interesting and you have to be impressed with the level of
praying that goes on within these Orthodox churches – they often start praying
at 0500 am and go on until dark, which is when they are allowed to eat and
drink. Even then, they only take ‘fasting’ food, which is basically food made
without any animal products being used – this includes milk and butter. So
basically, a diet of bread, injera, vegetables and shiro. This is practised for
50 days, leading up to Easter day, when there is an enormous feast after the
final 10 hour or so prayer.
One of 11 rock hewn churches at Lalibella
A very long and steep walk to the monastry at Lalibella
All day prayers in the Lalibella churches
St Georges church at Lalibella - the last one to be built
Whilst we were in Gondor, we managed to get to the Simian
mountains, where we walked for a couple of hours amidst really quite amazingly
dramatic mountains. Apparently, you can walk across the mountains from Gondor
to Lalibella, reaching a height of around 4500 metres at one point. This takes
17 days and isn’t something that I’m considering doing. As some of you will
know, I’m not good at heights.
Castle at Gondor
Baths at Gondor
Waiting for sunset at the Goha hotel
Simian Mountains

Simian Mountains
Having enjoyed our holiday and dropped Hannah back in Addis
to catch her flight back to London, I returned back to work at the health centres
with a fresh approach – probably also managed to put back on a few pounds,
which was just as well as I was beginning to look like a small Ethiopian child.
I had a pretty amazing day at Ganjii, with 2 women being found to be very
hypertensive and in need of treatment (one had a BP of 260/160 and the other
165/120). There was also a woman who was pregnant with twins, although she
wasn’t too pleased when I told her this. Then a woman arrived at the clinic
door, having walked for about 40 minutes from home whilst in labour.
Apparently, her family had gone back to work/school and she started labour. She
remembered being told at the clinics I run that she should come to the health
centre to deliver and so she set off on foot to do just that. She arrived looking
a little sweaty but managed to get onto the very wobbly couch that I use for
scanning women. As she was pushing down, I thought I better have a look to see
what was going on and was just in time to see a baby’s head appearing. I have
to say at this point that I am not a midwife and delivering babies is not part
of my repertoire. Unfortunately, the 2 medical students who were with me for
the day were also feeling a little out of their depth and the alleged ‘midwife’
who works at the health centre had disappeared – I am convinced that he didn’t
have a clue what to do and so ran as fast as he could. So there we were, 3
English novices and an Ethiopian woman who had come to receive help from us.
The delivery room was locked (apparently because they want to keep the
equipment safe) and the only equipment that we had was some gloves, which is
standard equipment that most of us carry. The gloves went on and I remembered
being told that you just have to wait for the head to turn and then the baby
can be pulled out. The head turned, a few little tugs and out came a healthy
looking baby girl. A few gentle taps on the back and she let out a fairly loud
cry and the plug of mucus largely dislodged, allowing her to breath a little
more easily.
End result; both mother and baby well, 3 rather bemused
faranjis, and a missing midwife.
Quickest delivery I've ever seen
It was a very long day and we didn’t manage to leave for our
2 hour journey home until 4pm. However, as I was backing out of the health
centre, which, by the way is at the top of a steep hill, the brakes on the car
failed. I managed to stop us from totally sliding down the hill by using the
hand brake and getting the car across the ‘road/dirt track’ rather than heading
straight down. Then I had a very nerve-wracking 2 hour drive back to Gimbie with
little in the way of ability to stop. This was all made more hazardous by
numerous cows and donkeys simply walking out in front of the car. If you kill a
cow, you have to pay at least 8 or 9000 Birr. Mind you, if you hit and kill a
person, you go to prison – not a nice prospect, especially as Jeremy has been
forcing me to watch endless episodes of prison break, where the Mexican prison
is a fate worse than death and I think it may be similar to prison life here.
On a more cheery note, the boys are here at the moment
watching Bee movie – this seems to be going down well, although I’m not sure
quite what they are making of the talking bees. Whilst it is nice to see them
enjoying themselves, I do wish their feet didn’t smell quite so badly. Everyone
takes their shoes off on entrance to a house; largely because the ground
outside is pretty dirty and you really don’t know quite what you may have
stepped in. However, I think I would prefer the dirt from the ground to the
smell that lingers for several hours after they have left.